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Elementary Curriculum



First grade build the foundation for art experiences in the elementary years. The program seeks to use the children’s vivid imagination and openness to the creative process. Importance is placed on fostering students confident by involving them in art activities, especially those related to their own experiences. Emphasis is place on developing student’s observation skill, exploring and becoming aware of their imagination, and increasing eye and hand coordination by using art media and tools. Students will be introduced to basic design elements such as line, shape, color, texture, and pattern. The students begin to view art, discuss art, share art, and create art. Students will participate in several multicultural and art history activities.


​​Computer 1 is an introduction to computer for first grade students. This class meets once a week for a 45-minutes session. Here the first grade students learn about computer technology through fun activities and games with program such as jump start. They learn to develop orderly and efficient work habits as well as good keyboarding technique. Most importantly, they learn to respect the work of other.



First grade is the time when the many language and literacy skills-phonemic awareness, letter and work knowledge, background knowledge, and concepts of print- begin to merge together as the conventions of language arts. Direct instruction on the structure of oral language and the connection between the sounds and spellings aids students in building a broad words knowledge base. A first grader demonstrates comprehension by retelling stories (folktales) and nonfiction text.

Reading and writing are complementary processes; learning in one area strengthens the learning in the other. First graders use the writing process with assistance; first writing simple sentences then moving to a topic sentence with at least one supporting detail. Identifying and sorting information provides the research base for first grade writer to share their new knowledge with other and to relate the gathered information to other related materials.

Using appropriate tone, rate of speech, and reflection, first graders convey to audiences the intent of their speaking language. Identifying and summarizing the main idea of what is heard and views extends the language art knowledge base of first grade students.


First grade children use hand-on activities and concrete manipulative to help them understand and use symbolic representation. They understand the number system to 100 and compute quickly and accurately to  10. By the end of the first grade, they model and solve problem using variety of strategies. They make and justify reasonable estimate.


First grade music is a regular part of the element curriculum that takes place one day a week, for 50 minutes each session. First grade music reinforces that concepts introduced in kindergarten, include the following: beat, pitch, dynamics. Performance etiquette, creativity, and cross-curricular has connection to classroom subjects. In first grade, students are also introduced to classroom percussion instrument and the tone colors of different orchestral instrument.


Students will improve their ability to observe by making both qualitative and quantitative observation. Mathematics measurement skill will be integrated as they learn to measure and compare temperature and weight. With emphasis upon predicting and simple planning, they begin simple investigations of water, air, and plant growth. They study of plant and weather will give first graders opportunity to improve their observing and classifying skills.




During art in the second grade the young artist will learn a variety of new aspects in art that build upon the skills learned in first grade. Emphasis will be place on observation skill to help them make discoveries in their own environment. Eyes and hands coordination will increase through the manipulation of art media and tools. Some main topics covered include two-dimensional and three-dimensional art, abstract art, famous artist and their techniques. The second grade project tent to last longer and be more complicated than those of the previous year.


Second grade students will meet for 45-minutes for computer 1 class. Here they are given more opportunities to explore and have fun with the computer, they learn how to use basic paint program as well as develop proper keyboarding technique and posture. They learn how to open and close program properly as well as basic computer care and maintenance. They will learn to send simple message electronic messages in groups. 


The second grade language arts curriculum build on a strong literacy foundation established in in previous grades. Recognizing and identifying element of fantasy and reality serve to provide the venue for reading and writing language experiences at this grade level. Short words patterns give way to more complex patterns and words, always with goal of applying problem solving strategies and spelling generalizations to unlock new and unfamiliar words. High frequency words continue to add to the fluency rate of this grade level.

Comprehension is enhanced through the connections of personal experiences and knowledge of concepts during independent, shared, and guided reading opportunities. Second grade students will use comprehension strategies to read critically and utilize self-monitoring strategies to confirm meaning. The writing process takes on a more independent focus at this grade level. Students will write with more complexity of thought and with supporting details. Responding in writing to oral and viewed presentations provides the opportunity to demonstrate language arts skill of analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating information based on the author’s purpose and audience.


The second grade students use place value to understand number sense and number relationships in additional and subtraction. Simple concepts of multiplication and division are concretely explored. Problems are modeled and solved using variety of strategies. Quantities are measured with appropriate units. The students collect and analyze data to increase understanding of probability and statistics. The students are encouraged to estimate and justify answers. The student classifies and sees relationships among shapes by paying attention to the element that composes them. Throughout there is an emphasis on patterns and function.


Second grade music class will provide students with opportunities to continue to find and develop their singing voices, explore form, style, and other cultures through movement and song, and further development rhythm skill with rhythmic speech, body percussion and various un-pitched and pitched and percussion instrument. This class will meet for one 50-minutes period ever week.


The second grade science course continues to develop an awareness of the world which we live. The course builds up the knowledge that students acquired in grade one. Students further investigate earth and space science, animal, and their environments. New topics study includes energy, matter, and forces.




During art in the second grade the young artist will learn a variety of new aspects in art that build upon the skills learned in first grade. Emphasis will be place on observation skill to help them make discoveries in their own environment. Eyes and hands coordination will increase through the manipulation of art media and tools. Some main topics covered include two-dimensional and three-dimensional art, abstract art, famous artist and their techniques. The second grade project tent to last longer and be more complicated than those of the previous year.


Third grade students will meet for 45-minutes for computer 1 class. Here they are given more opportunities to explore and have fun with the computer, they learn how to use basic paint program as well as develop proper keyboarding technique and posture. They learn how to open and close program properly as well as basic computer care and maintenance. They will learn to send simple message electronic messages in groups. 


The third grade language arts curriculum build on a strong literacy foundation established in in previous grades. Recognizing and identifying element of fantasy and reality serve to provide the venue for reading and writing language experiences at this grade level. Short words patterns give way to more complex patterns and words, always with goal of applying problem solving strategies and spelling generalizations to unlock new and unfamiliar words. High frequency words continue to add to the fluency rate of this grade level.

Comprehension is enhanced through the connections of personal experiences and knowledge of concepts during independent, shared, and guided reading opportunities. Second grade students will use comprehension strategies to read critically and utilize self-monitoring strategies to confirm meaning. The writing process takes on a more independent focus at this grade level. Students will write with more complexity of thought and with supporting details. Responding in writing to oral and viewed presentations provides the opportunity to demonstrate language arts skill of analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating information based on the author’s purpose and audience.


The third grade students use place value to understand number sense and number relationships in additional and subtraction. Simple concepts of multiplication and division are concretely explored. Problems are modeled and solved using variety of strategies. Quantities are measured with appropriate units. The students collect and analyse data to increase understanding of probability and statistics. The students are encouraged to estimate and justify answers. The student classifies and sees relationships among shapes by paying attention to the element that composes them. Throughout there is an emphasis on patterns and function.


Third grade music class will provide students with opportunities to continue to find and develop their singing voices, explore form, style, and other cultures through movement and song, and further development rhythm skill with rhythmic speech, body percussion and various un-pitched and pitched and percussion instrument. This class will meet for one 50-minutes period ever week.


The third grade science course continues to develop an awareness of the world which we live. The course builds up the knowledge that students acquired in grade one. Students further investigate earth and space science, animal, and their environments. New topics study includes energy, matter, and forces.

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